Thursday, July 3, 2008

Starbucks Coffee-Consistantly inconsistant

I am addicted to Starbucks coffee. I have been drinking a double short free pour cappuccino for many years now. However, I can go into 5 different Starbucks on any given day and get 5 different versions of a cappuccino. It appears to me that Starbucks does not properly train their employees how to make cappucino's correctly. Even the baristas that are in the new black aprons - they still don't always do it better either. I often times will go to the local Chevron station and get a great drip cup of coffee for half the price. Yet, everyday, I try to strategically figure out which location has the barista's working that I have gotten a good cappuccino from before.

For instance today, I went to my local Top Foods Starbucks. They guy ringing up the drinks (a black apron dude) knows how to make them. However, the barista making the drinks looked new to me. And, she appeared to not have a smile on her face. I figured.. OK.. rookie, here goes another waste of $3.00+ for a lousy drink. I stepped up to the bar and asked her how it was going. She said, "I am not in a bad mood", and I thought that was interesting and she asked me how I was doing. I told her, "OK" and that I was a bit bummed that I didn't get to play my morning tennis match - I was stood up today.

To make a long story short, the cappuccino was above average, not perfect, but acceptable.

Thanks again!

Brian :)

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