Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day-A day to be VERY thankful for!

As I look at the window around my neighborhood I can see numerous flags flying proud. It's a sign/tribute to those who have gone before us to serve our country-and those that are actively serving today to give us our freedom that we take for granted.

I rented this movie last night not knowing what it was about, other than it had one of my favorite actors, John Cusack in it. It's called, "Grace is Gone" and is a great movie. It's a story that fits perfectly with Memorial Day in that the message in the movie is "so real life" about what happens in war. I won't spoil it, but it sure did send a reminder to me and my family after watching it.

Dear God,

I pray for all the soldiers that have gone to battle for my freedom on behalf of our country in order to protect us and give us our Liberty. I thank all the families that have had to sacrifice their loved ones and the burden it puts on the families when a love one is off at war for our own security. I pray LORD JESUS that some how, some way we could find peace in this world. I know the ONLY peace that will come will be when you return to this earth as you are the PRINCE OF PEACE. Until then LORD, I pray that you would protect those soldiers who are fighting for the cause that brings the GLORY to you.

I think today is a day to remember just how lucky we are and how we are blessed. Even with the high gas prices, we have our FREEDOM and we live in a land that there's still some belief in GOD and what it boils down to is our FREEDOM is not free! There's a price that has been paid and is being paid today by so many brave individuals and families.

Happy Memorial Day!


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