Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Varicose Veins-Going to get the surgery

It's a beautiful day out side as I am writing this blog at 7:43am. I just returned from my 5:30-7:00am doubles, and we had a great match. My partner and I won in a 3rd set tie-breaker. I am playing pretty good right now and hope to continue.

I signed up for the varicose vein procedure (left leg only) for the 25th July at 10:30am. I am a bit nervous, but... I will "JUST DO IT" and get it over with. It's something that needs to be done and I am going to the best guy around.

 A surgeon who's done way more than anyone around this area.  My surgeon is Dr. Charles R Strub  at the Puget Sound Vein Center.  I am having the Venus Closure done with the radio frequency versus the one with the laser.  According to some, the Laser is too hot and leaves quite  a bit of "bruising and swelling" -not to mention being more painful.  My left leg is my worse leg in terms of looks. My greater saphenous vein is pretty much "toast" and doesn't work, so when my calves pump blood up to the heart, the saphenous vein attempts to carry it up, but it comes right back down due to faulty bunch of valves. Luckily, this vein is superficial and not really needed. Unless, you need "bypass" surgery - and in my case, since both of mine are bad, I am just praying I never need that surgery!

The venus closure technique  will be partially used on my left leg and 100% on my right leg. They will need to do an additional treatment called Foam sclerotherapy - the reason is that my saphenous vein in my left leg is kind of tangled up and the device apparently for the venus closure is for a "straight" shot type of treatment. My right leg is completely straight for that procedure.








We are having my parents and brother's family over this Sunday for my daughter's 13th birthday celebration. We are anxious to see everyone and show them our new paint job on the house. 

I am getting really tired of my tennis buddies asking me, "Tinsley, when are you getting a job?" or how's the interviewing going? I simply laugh it off - but I would like to tell them, "I got a job and start on "x" date.... Next question please?  They are great guys, but... it's getting annoying all the time.

I have to hand it to the Word Press Blogging software. I have been a Microsoft Front Page 2003 user for many years. I originally had a blog with Google, but didn't ever like the layout. Plus, with this great theme from Brian Gardner, you can get this theme for free. I have been "blogging" for several years now and really enjoy being able to have this "outlet" as a form of therapy for me. My main goal of this site it to let "aortic dissection" survivors know that life goes on after having a dissection. And, that there is hope and others just like you who have gone through a very similar experience.

Have a great day!


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