Saturday, July 5, 2008

4th of July-Baseball and Fireworks


We (my wife, Olivia and Owen) went to the Mariners game yesterday at 1:00pm at Safeco Field. We got the tickets from a season ticket holder off CraigsList and they were great seats!  This was the first game that I can recall staying to the very end of the game. The Mariners beat the Detroit Tigers 4-1. It was hot and a lot of interesting fans. It's fun just doing some people watching. We also got to see a few foul balls land near us as we were about 17 rows behind the Mariners dugout and that's where  a lefty pitcher had a bunch of the right-handed batters hitting the foul balls. We really enjoyed the game.

After the game, we were orginally going to stay down and watch the Ivar's fireworks show. However, we decided to go grab some dinner at Chinook's in Ballard and then went home. My son asked  me to get some fireworks, so we hopped in the car and went to the local corner stand.

The stands are a cash only business and we hit the ATM machine first. With $60.00 bucks in our hands we went there. We ended up getting over $100.00 worth of stuff for only $60.00 and then went home and waited for the sun to go down. Man, what a fireworks show we had. It was a blast and out neighbor brought out some of his from last year and we proceded to blow up the entire neighborhood for about an hour.  Of course, yours truly had to get out in the rain this morning and I spent over an hour cleaning up the street and sidewalks - all in the name of fun! I think that everyone enjoyed the fireworks.

I missed the Women's Singles final this am between the Williams sisters and turned on the TV just as they showed Venus running around with the trophy. It was a great win for her. She's a tremendous champion and so is her sister. And.... they won the doubles too! I know Serena would have loved to win, but it was Venuses time to win.  Still, in head to head, Serena has more Grand Slams.  I wish the tennis community would really appreciate what talented girls these Williams sisters really are.

The men's final will be tomorrow am and it's going to be "breakfast at Wimbledon" for me and I Will be up for the match at 0600am pst tomorrow.

We went to the beach the other day and I found a really cool stick that I thought I'd used to help reach my bird feeders. My feeders are 12 feet high on my custom feeder pole that I had build by a welding shop.

I really love the beach and the sound of the waves. It's a calming sound and the smell of the sea air just does something to you.  This was down at a beach in Mukilteo Washington, in an area called Picnic Point. My wife used to go there when she was a kid and it's a great place to go and relax on a hot day.

As you can see, I had my Washington State Open tennis T-Shirt on from last year. I lost to a guy in the first round that I should have beat. In fact, in the Seattle City, he got beat two straight by the guy that I beat in 3 sets to win the tournament for a second straight year.  I am looking forward to the Wa State Open this year and have been trying to practice some outdoor matches.  I have been going back and forth about a racket change and I am leaning on trying to got to a smaller head and even perhaps a smaller grip size for a change.

I am really still a bit angry at's inability to show professionalism and respond to me about why I didn't get their customer service manager position. I find it utterly disrespectful that they didn't take the time to offer me any constructive criticism. I am actually glad as I would NOT work for a company like this who's people don't even say "thank you" for interviewing with them - at least 3 of them didn't and they are NOT that busy to do that.  Moving on to bigger and better things...

It's been 5/2/2008 that I was officially laid off from Verizonbusiness - all due to some incompetent Microsoft employees that I took the blame for. Part of me really wants to let those idiots know what they have done to me and my family. However, they were all miserable people that I dealt with and are not happy. So, I'll let them wallow in their own misery and hit the "delete" button in my brain about wanting to really give them a piece of my mind.

I am beginning to wonder how my Life Insurance is going to turn out with Met-Life. I applied for a $250k policy and had the "in-home" nurse come by last week for the urine/blood and miscellaneous 100 other questions. As and aortic dissection survivor, I will be curious to see how this tracks throughout their systems and if it spits out a "reject" or "yes..we'll take em" and then come up with the monthly premiums. I know many other AD survivors are looking for life insurance or Long Term Care.

We have some new neighbors. What I mean is that we have the same pair of birds build a nest each year under our roof eaves near the front of the house. You can open the towel closet door and hear the baby's chirping. However, in addition to this family, it appears we have a new family that's moved in very close to my den window. And, I can see/hear them at work on their nest or perhaps taking care of their new born chicks already as well. I thought about putting a web-cam out their to watch the repeat customers and document them building and raising their chicks for next year. Might be worth doing.

Still haven't heard from AFV about the video I sent them of our trip to San Diego, CA. I had tape a male bull drinking a females (urine) and then putting on a huge -what looked like -grin! We all laughed and I sent the tape into them about a month ago. It might be too offensive for that "rated G" show.

Take care,


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