Thursday, July 10, 2008

3 hours of tennis and some interviewing today

I played my usual Thursday am doubles from 5:30-7:00am, then played Dr. "Steve" in some singles till 8:30am. I came home, then showered and back to Bellevue WA to do an interview with a recruiting agency about a possible position. It went well and on the way home, I got another call from another recuriter asking me about coming to see them on Monday as they have a few positions that they feel I match up well with. They seem a bit more professional than the first outfit from earlier in the day. I am looking forward to meeting with them and really feel that I am getting close to my goal of being hired before the end of July 2008.

I haven't felt much like studying today for the PMP stuff, but I know that I need to get through another chapter today. They are finishing up on the painting and I have to pay the balance to them today. The entire job was $3800.00 - they did a great job!

I am still waiting to hear back from the Doctor's office about my venus closure technique for my varicose veins and if the insurance company is going to approve the procedure. I was hoping to hear something this week. I have to get this done and just do it!

Take Care!


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