Thursday, July 31, 2008

Good News on Aortic Dissection Front

Today, there's was a publication released  by Salah A. Mohamed, from the Department of Cardiac Surgery at the University of Schleswig-Holstein released about the Genetic correlation linked to the Acute Aortic Dissection disease.  This is some really positive news and even if it prevents just one death , it's worth the research. However, after reading this article, the benefits could be enormous! A simple blood test that could save your life! I wrote Salah A. Mohamed an email today asking him for further information on what the name of the blood test will be called? Or how to actually go about ordering it. I will keep you posted just as soon as I hear something.


Keeping the Faith

It seems that sometimes we can choose to look at life as being unfair - as if we'd been dealt a bad deck of cards. I can see how some people might choose to see this way for perhaps a day or two. But, is it really worthliving your entire life with the mindset that "Life is not fair?"  Who said that life isn't fair?  Why is it that we have a tendency (when things are going right) to blame others? Feel that GOD has let us down? That other people seem to get the bigger "carrots" in life and we're left with just the left overs?  The real way out of that thinking is to go straight to your knees and pray for forgiveness. UNTIL, you can forgive, you simply CAN NOT beat this viciouscircle. GOD is a GOD of forgiveness and wants the best for you in life. Being content with life is a double edged sword. If you find yourself on "auto-pilot" you don't really get to learn and grow from what GOD is trying to show you. In my case, as I approach my 3rd month of having no job, I am at the "cusp" of finally getting hired again.  I have three opportunities that hopefully are going to present offers either this week or Monday the 4thof August, I am supposed to hear about my opportunity with that I REALLY am hoping I get.

In life, we are certainly going to have ours "ups and downs" and it's just a matter of  being able to literally bounce back up after facing a set back. As this picture depicts, you will get knocked down, but... you can bounce backand even go higher that you previously thought you could go with GOD's help and the FAITH knowing that he's got you in the palm of his right hand.  I listened to a great CD yesterday and as much as I had tried to get some of those folks that were responsible for my job loss, I had not really forgiven them 100%. Yesterday, I prayed for them and forgave them. It's the ONLY way to move forward - YOU must forgive to be able to move forward.

I know that GOD is a GOD of LOVE, PEACE, JOY and HAPPINESS. It's something that we all should be very thankful for and appreciate what we have.  Quit comparing yourself to others whom you might consider more fortunate than you based on "material" objects, be THANKFUL for your creation. GOD made you in his image and you are special to him and he loves you dearly. Be thankful!


Monday, July 28, 2008

The Waiting is the hardest part

It's a bit of sad day around the house as I had to take our cat of 17 years into the vet today. The vet said that her "skin cancer" was too far gone and the humane thing to do was put her to sleep. She was a great cat and the entire family will miss her.

I just got done listing to Tom Petty's song, The Waiting and it's really so true.. the waiting is the hardest part - especially when it's waiting to hear if you are going to get the job you've applied for.  I have literally done all that I can and it's going to happen this week - I can just feel it.  GOD is really testing my patience and I MUST have the faith and belief and see it in my minds eye - this WILL happen for me!

My legs are doing better, today I was able to take off the "ace bandages" and now only have to wear the stockings until be time. It appears that my mother needs to have her one leg looked into - this is a hereditary disease.

Not sure if I am going to be able to play any tennis this week and might play some doubles on Saturday am for the first time since the surgery.



Saturday, July 26, 2008

The day after my Venus Closure Procedure

It's Saturday am about 0800 and I would usually be at the tennis club playing my 0700-0830am doubles which I have been playing for the last 10+ years!  However, I decided to move forward with my venus closure procedure. My legs are doing pretty good, I am wishing that I didn't have to wear the ace bandages, the stockings are OK, it's just that these bandages, one on my left leg and one on my right thigh and calf are kind of tight! Oh well, I will be glad in the long run that I finally got the courage to do this and can walk into Starbucks without thinking everyone is looking at my legs. My left leg was the worst of the two.

I was searching Google this morning and came across what I consider one (if not the most) comprehenisve articles on what exactly is an "aortic dissection" and I believe everyone should read  this.

This picture shows a daron tube being sewn into the arotic wall. There's also some glue that they use as well. Thanks again to Dr. Debakey! I still to this day (almost 5 years later) can not believe that I was able to survive. Especially against all the odds of having an ascending aortic dissection to begin with. You LITERALLY have to have GOD on your side and the amount of resources that have to come together to pull this surgery off - it's a monumental effort. In fact, I was reading today, that some surgeon's (in particular areas) are having a blood shortage (donors) and according to the article have to sometimes contemplate if they can do a surgery based on the amount of blood that will be required for the surgery. I have no idea how much blood it took for my operation, but I imagine a ton. You never stop and really think of those nice people that donate their blood - it's such a blessing for that critical piece of the surgery!

Here's some very interesting statistics:
Aortic dissection is the most frequently diagnosed lethal condition of the aorta and occurs nearly three times as frequently as does rupture of abdominal aortic aneurysm in the United States.
Hypertension is the mechanical force most often associated with dissection and is found in greater than 75% of cases
As many as 40% of patients suffering acute aortic dissection die immediately
As many as 30% of patients ultimately diagnosed with acute dissection are first thought to have another diagnosis.
Fifty percent of patients suffering acute type A aortic dissection are dead within 48 hours.16 A conventional wisdom has evolved that acute type A dissection carries a "1% per hour" mortality. Newer data, however, reveal a different prognosis such that medical management may be considered in certain high-risk groups. In one such study, type A dissection was managed medically in 28% of patients for various reasons with a 58% in-hospital mortality.17 Regardless, this relatively high mortality demonstrates that patients surviving acute type A dissection must be quickly and aggressively diagnosed and managed

As you can see... I am a very lucky and thankful person to have been given a second chance at life. Not all of us will get that second chance at life - make sure your doing the things now that you might probably would be doing if you had to do it all over again. Don't rely on a second chance - you might not get it. Be thankful for each day, each breath, each moment - give thanks!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Where there is HOPE there are POSSIBILITIES!

I found this on Google today. I thought it was perfect as I have really been enjoying my blog here. Not only am I hoping to help as many people as I possibly can learn more about diseases of the aorta, but to offer them hope - that they CAN keep going. Once you realize that you are a child of GOD, you also know that you are here on this earth to help people less fortunate than you.. Heck.. anybody for that matter. It's just an "innate" genetic code that I think I have where I want to give back as much as I can as I was so blessed to have been given my life back. Had I been 40 days earlier, I might not have made it.




Something occurred to me today about really trusting Jesus Christ as my LORD and savior. The real issue is that when you get into the "SELF" mode you are essentially walking as if you are one with your own self. As if you are heading out in the sand with no direction as the picture illustrates. You are choosing to let the "self" try to run your life and putting the GOOD LORD on the back burner while you try to do everything yourself.  There's absolutely no way to really win the race with this mentality. Sure... there might be some small victories, but they are short-lived and empty. You MUST deny the self and let the GOOD LORD run your ship. Let him be the captain of the ship and guide you to places you have never been. These pictures below also bring the point that Jesus said that he will carry us in the palm of his right hand. I believe this to literally mean that it's HIS foot prints that we see in the sand and it's relying on him to take us into different directions - directions we'd never even dreamed or thought of (lack of courage?).. Could Jesus be wanting to bring you out to sea? Literally to an area you'd never thought possible? He could be with me! Or.. did you know if you just trusted him, he'd show you the light!


I can do ALL things through CHRIST who strengthens me!


Varicose Vein Procedure.. I did it!

Ok... I did it! I faced my fear of the Varicose Vein procedure today and even got both legs done at the same time!  Believe me, I was looking around that "imaginary corner" finding/thinking of all the "what if's" -but, I decided (on the final table) that I could do it. I had visions of pulling out of it, but stayed focused on my belief in GOD and pushed through the fear. My legs are still a bit numb and I just got back from a walk. My right calf is hurting, however, I am 99.999% sure it'd due to the 2 ace bandages and the one compression stocking on it. My right iliac artery to begin with was "narrowed" due to my false lumen squishing it as a result of my aortic dissection.

If you are anywhere in the state of Washington and need a vein procedure done, I would HIGHLY recommend Dr. Strup at the Puget Sound Vein Center  in Monroe Washington. They were fabulous! They are a very well trained team and Dr. Strup is phenomenal! Apparently, he's done more of the Venus Closure techniques that anyone on the West Coast.

I still see nothing in my gmail inbox about whether or not I am going to get offered either one of the two jobs that I am trying for. I know that these companies are busy.. but.. I need to work! If I found out next week about the new job, I imagine that it will take at least another week or two till I get on. With that news, I can plan for a small vacation hopefully with the family for a few days and look forward to starting a new career somewhere.

I will be back in touch for more updates about my vein procedure and how things are going.


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Stressing over what?

I am feeling the stress of the job situation, surgery tomorrow and just the fact that we've not taken a summer vacation. I am feeling guilty that I have let the family down and especially not being able to take a vacation due to my lack of work.

The strange thing is that between the job search, surgery, money situation and kids home for the summer, it's all about taking things in stride. I could let my life appear to be in a "knot" like never before... Or I can try to take things into perspective here and deal with them as they come up. While searching for this "knot" picture, I found a great article, "The Role of Stress in just about Everything," and it's a great read.
“I can’t express anger. I grow a tumor instead.”
—Woody Allen

I almost wanted (having a bit of an anger flashback) to contact those folks at Microsoft who were responsible for my getting laid off and give them a piece of my mind. But.. I decided I didn't want to waste my time. They'll get what's coming to them and their own incompetencies. It's ironic to think that these "clowns" are actually still employed there. 

OK.. Onto more positive stuff... Like the weather! I am going to the Aquasox Game tomorrow night to watch and hear my daughter's friend sing the National Anthem before the game. This should be fun!


Some Tennis , Fear, and an interview in afternoon

I played my usual Thursday am singles with Dr. George this morning. I lost the first set 7-5 and it was 4-4 in the 2nd when we ran out of the court time. It's amazing how your mind can wonder all over the place while in the middle of a competitive singles match. I noticed that I was feeling a bit depressed for some reason. I didn't play that bad and also was noticing the "fear" feeling of actually flying soon and having to face the "winning" of the match. I thought to myself, I am so sick and tired of fear of this that and the other running/ruining my life - I must continue to pray for strength and courage along with faith to see the "big picture" and that GOD is in control of my life. Tomorrow is my vein surgery and I've been trying to not let that creep into my psyche and take hold and get me going on some tangent that I can't do it. I AM going to get this done and face the procedure head on.  Like my dad said to me a while back, "son, no matter where you are, when GOD calls you home, it's time to come home," and that's so TRUE. 
 No Worries

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”

~ Philippians 4:6-7

I think that this verse is the best one for me and to live by it each day and pray for FAITH.

I have an interview at 1pm today in Tukwila WA. It's a great opportunity with a great company. I hope that it goeswell. The interview process is something very new for me and it's taken me some time to get the hang of it. My main goal today is to exude confidence in not only myself, but my 20 years of experience that I can bring to this position and company. Knowledge and experience coupled with a "win/win" attitude is my goal.


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Feeling Stuck? Getting Past Impasse

I have this book , Getting Unstuck: How Dead Ends Become New Paths, by Timothy Butler. In this book, it talks about the "inner critic" or it even goes as far as calling it Satan.

In particular, the inner critic becomes louder and more powerful during this second phase. The inner critic is that internal naysayer that Freud called the superego; but it wasn't a new concept, it's been around as long as humanity has. In Getting Unstuck I discuss some strategies for dealing with the inner critic. This picture shows a figure and having to make a choice on which path to take. That's what it's about. A new path out of the valley of the impasse. You MUST take it!

It's at this moment of impasse that we really begin to see what we are made of. It's a time to get a new perspective - out out of body experience if you will. A chance to look back at what you have or haven't done to this point and a chance to change the course of where you will end up. This is me now... Right now.. I am in the valley and trying to find my way out and as I climb the mountain to get out, just trying to keep my eyes on the "goal" of getting out and seeing the new me at the top and where I can go with GOD's direction. At this time in my life after working the prior 20 years and now finding it a bit more difficult to find another job, I am hoping that by reaching deep down into the "soul" of my being, that my new career path has a genuine purpose for me. I don't want to just go to work - I want to make an impact, a positive one.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Reality Check-Unemployment meeting today

Well, I had my official meeting today at the Unemployment office. I am assuming that this is a natural course that happens along the way of getting UE checks. I am about half way through my 26 weeks of UE and had a mandatory meeting today. They basically verify that you are doing at least 3 job searches a week - I am at about 20 and that you know about some of their resources. What I did learn today was a website,  that is a great site to search for jobs.

I think that I am beginning to really feel like I am on the "cusp" of finally getting hired.  However, part of me is literally feeling like I am going loony toons or better yet crazy from not being able to have landed a job yet. I have tried and tried, but for some reason, just haven't landed a home run yet.  I consider myself very talented and today seeing some of those people trying to work on their resumes and searching - I really feel for them. A lot of those folks don't even have a computer of their own to work on. I am very fortunate to actually be in the situation with the UE and the severance package I got. Don't get me wrong, it's still the pits getting these constant "no thanks" messages. But... If you want to succeed in life.. double your failure rate! I WILL find a job soon!

Oh... I managed to get a late entry into the WA State Open Tennis Tourney. I am hoping that I will be ready to play as my surgery is this Friday, the 25th of July and I am thinking that I might actually get both legs done instead of just my left leg.


Monday, July 21, 2008

Great Article on Aortic Dissection "Beating A Sudden Killer"

I was contacted a few months back about a young man working on his doctorate degree. He was specializing in the aortic dissection field. He started this website,  and has done a great job on the site. I highly recommend it. I was actually out there myself today and came across an article by Dr. John A. Elefteriades. It was titled, "Beating A Sudden Killer" and I believe it's a very well written article that everyone should read.  One of the "key" things that weight lifters need to be careful of is heavy lifting when they have the presence of any enlarge aorta due to aneurysm growing inside of them. The intense pressure put on from heavy lifting is just speeding up the process for that aneurysm to blow up or dissect. Both of these conditions are very fatal and should be treated immediately. However, how do you know if you are that weight lifter and that you might have that "something" growing inside of your aorta?  Do you have a history of aneurysms in your family? Do you have a history of aortic dissections? Do you have high blood pressure? All of these questions could help you to determine if you are at risk and should perhaps lay off the "heavy lifting" as it could potentially kill you.  According to this article, only 5% of these aneurysms/dissections are from Marfan's patients.

I highly recommend reading this article and educating yourself and family about these conditions.

Dr. John A. Elefteriades, M.D., F.A.C.S. can be seen at the Yale School of Surgery. This is also one of the best places to get aortic care.



Sunday, July 20, 2008

Olivia's 13th Birthday..I love her so much!

It turned out to be a beautiful day. A day for a celebration and gathering of the entire family for my daughter's 13th birthday celebration. The cake was heavenly! Thank GOD for Costco!
Wow.. I am birthday partied out! We have the entire family over for my daughter's birthday celebration today. She and her mom just left for the mall to see a movie.It's been a constant birthday celebration since the 13th of July! Oh well.. my daughter is worth it.

I am hoping that tomorrow's call with RedKnee (phone interview) goes well. I have to wait a week tohear about my other possibility with TW Telecom and I sure hope that they call! The hiring manager is on vacation and I have to wait to hear from him when he returns. I have been playing it in my mind just what a 40 hour work week is going to be like again. It's been a long time since I've had to do one. However, I sure want to get back to a "routine" and get back on to feeling good about doing a good days work. At least this job won't require a "panel" interview! I also am supposed to speak with Vodafone this week as well.

I am waiting for my new shoes to arrive and strings. I tried the NRG2 (16) with the SPPP Plasma 17 gauge and it just didn't feel like. The GOSEN OG Sheep (16) synthetic gut is WAY easier to control for me and I just have gotten so used to it... I can't change!

Time for some TV!


Saturday, July 19, 2008

Famous Soccer Player Dies of AD (Slobo Ilijevski)

I got my AD news today and read this article. Apparently, this "tremendously" talented soccer player died in Bellingham, WA - just an hour away from me. Slobo Ilijevski  died of an aortic dissection and was taken to the near by hospital to try and save him. Unfortunately, it was GOD'S time to call him home. I don't know this guy from Adam, but I do know that he seem to be in excellent shape and was quite and athlete - and pretty young. This is a tragedy for the family and soccer community. The other major "red light" here should be to take note that if you have a history of Aortic Dissections or Aortic Aneuersym - get yourself checked out. You can run 10 miles a day, eat all the vege's and fiber till you can't see straight... but that doesn't mean that there couldn't be an enlarged aorta growing inside your body.

I figure I got about 1.5 hours sleep last night. I had to get up at 6:00am for my doubles at 7-8:30am. My daughter's 13th birthday party was last night. She had 8 of her friends sleep over and they talked to the early morning hours. I kept tossing and turning as I could hear them and my pizza dinner wasn't sitting too well.  They rented a limo and went to the mall for a fashion thing.

I spent a bit of time yesterday and finally finished today my contrustion project - final section of my "paver" walkway. My hands are killing me from the cement mix and they are so dry that they fell like I need some lotion! Now, I have the entire side of my house, from the side walk all the way back to the back patio done. 


We are having the family get together tomorrow for my daughter's 13th birthday and that should be fun. I haven't seen my folks in a whie and my brother either.  We'll fire up the bbq and crack open a few beers and chat.

Wow.. I am super tired, suddenly the "lack of sleep" and my aching back from playing tennis 3 hours on Thursday, yesterday 1.5 and today 1.5, coupled with the paving project - I'm toast!

Hoping that my new job prospect still is working it's way through and that I get a call the last week of July (my original planned date) to notify me that I got the job!

Good day!


Friday, July 18, 2008

Aortic Dissection vs Aortic Aneursym

I often times get asked this question about what the difference are between the two of these conditions. So, while working on my website today, I came across a pretty simple definition of both:

Aortic dissection refers to tear on the wall of the large vessel coming out of the heart, called the aorta.  This tear causes blood to flow outside the normal area.  Deterioration of the aorta's inner lining is most often seen in patients with hypertension, a congenital disorder, or those who have suffered blunt trauma (such as a car accident).   It is very important to diagnose and treat this condition quickly.   A number of tests are performed to determine the nature of the aorta's pathology, and we are pleased to be able to preserve the non-diseased aortic valves while repairing the diseased areas in most instances.

An aortic aneurysm is an abnormal bulge in the wall of the aorta.  Although an aneurysm can develop anywhere along your aorta, it frequently occurs in the section running through your chest.  Although most aneurysms are small, grow slowly and do not rupture, approximately 15,000 Americans die of a ruptured aortic aneurysm each year.  Most patients learn they have an aortic aneurysm during an exam unrelated to cardiac health.  Depending on the size and location of the aneurysm, it may be best to simply monitor your condition.  If surgical intervention is indicated, the specific procedure will be determined by the cause of the aneurysm and its location.

What if you have an enlarged aorta right now? What do you do about it? I just found a great site, that explains a ton of information.

When is surgery indicated? 

Once a thoracic aneurysm is diagnosed, routine, scheduled follow-up is necessary by an aortic specialist. Aneurysm size needs to be followed closely and surgery is warranted if there is rapid growth over a short period of time or if a critical size is reached. Follow-up typically includes CT scans or MRI's every 6-12 months. 

The ascending aorta grows at a rate of 0.10 cm per year and the descending aorta at a rate of 0.20 cm per year. Should an aneurysm increase in size by 0.4cm in any one year then surgery should be performed.

Decisions regarding surgery can be made if the risk of death, dissection or rupture is known for any particular aneurysm size. This risk can then be compared to the risk of surgery. At St. Luke's-Roosevelt Aneurysm Center the operative mortality of ascending aortic aneurysm surgery is 2.3%. The mortality for aortic arch surgery increases to 5-8% and the mortality for descending thoracic aneurysm surgery is 5.5%. Below is listed the yearly risk of complications based on aortic aneurysm size.





Aortic size


Yearly risk

> 3.5cm


>5.0 cm

> 6.0cm


























Any of the above











Given these statistics it is recommended that asymptomatic ascending aortic aneurysms be resected at a size of 5.0-5.5 cm.  If severe aortic insufficiency is present in the setting of a bicuspid valve, the ascending aorta should be resected when it is 4.5 cm in diameter. Descending thoracic and aortic arch aneurysms typically are resected when they exceed 6.0 cm in diameter. A patient with Marfan's syndrome typically warrants earlier intervention.  Symptomatic aneurysms should be resected regardless of size.    

If you need expert help, I have many great surgical references of the top experts in the aortic surgery field. I would be more than happy to help!



Thursday, July 17, 2008

The big phone interview today

Well, today is my big phone interview and perhaps my biggest chance so far to land a job since being laid off from VerizonBusiness on 5/2/2008. My (6 days short of 20 years) career is over and new horizons are calling my name. Granted, this hasn't been easy to land a job yet, I am still optimistic about this great chance - a chance that one of my old friends informed me of. This goes back to my old "networking" blog and how it's so imperative to keep a good contact list of folks that can help you down the road. I also happen to know another person at this company who is apparently way up the food chain and I am hoping to name drop his name as well as an "internal" reference as well.

I played 3 hours of singles tennis this morning, I was thinking I'd play doubles for 1.5 hours then my singles. However, the doubles groups didn't know I was playing with them, so I ended up hitting a few sets with a guy name Doug. Then, on to my usual Thursday am match with Dr. George. I tried mixing new "cross" strings (NRG2 16) and I just don't like the feel. So, it's back to the basics and good old Gosen OG Sheep Micro 16 gauge for my crosses.

My son had a sleep over with his cousins last night and they are going to Game Works today for some video game fun! I wish I was going too! However, my daughter is not feeling well and I am going to stay with her.

Have a great day!


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Don't Quit... throw in the towel... Do it!

 After getting my (at least) 10th rejection email from F5 Networks today, I am try to determine if I actually want to work for a company that apparently sees no value in my services. I've applied for sales/service and technical positions there - all of which I would do a "kick ass" job at, yet... I still have only had one phone interview. Heck.. I've even met with the person in charge of the HR department and still haven't got anywhere. Originally, they told me that I was applying across to broad of a spectrum and I appreciated that and listened. So, I am now only applying in their services organization and hoping for some miracle to happen. My real question to myself is when do I draw the line and quit waisting my energy on this company?  Of course the other side of me, being used to having been knocked down before tries to rally my "competitive tennis player" personality and says... "I'll be back" and will keep plugging away and trying to find a way to get hired by these guys. At the same time, I am also interested in working for a company that sees a value in me as well.  I've had other companies where I have applied to at least 10 positions ( and the same story, only I don't really get as much feedback with their recruiters, just the "no thanks" email and good ridence.

I orginally wanted to work at F5 or Premera based on those companies having been voted as some of the top places to work in Washington.

 The opposite of quiting is "DO IT" as the sign says and don't allow the "negatives" to get your down. Use them to provide feedback as to the "why" you are not getting the interviews? Is it my resume perhaps? The one that I payed some "career coach" to have prepare. I actually had asked the guy at F5 if my resume was OK and he said yes. However, I am beginning to wonder. I know that I need to cater it more to the specific job requirement at hand.

I am supposed to hear from the person that is the hiring manager for the possible position that my long time friend told me about. He left him a message to call me tomorrow and hopefully this will lead to something in the "positive" direction.


I sometimes feel like I'm striking out

 It's hard sometimes during this "job search" that I just feel like I'm striking out. I must have applied for 10 jobs today and emailed a few of my other recruiters/contacts about prior resume submissions and their status.  It's easy to have the "woe is me" attitude and think of all the negative things - like my severance dwindling down, my unemployment going to end in a few months. All these "negative" vibes have a tendency to lure over you if you let them.

I am watching pastor John Hage's message on "Living to Win" and he just made some great points on forgiveness and how it sets you free when you forgive "anyone" that's every done you wrong.  Also how "leadership" demands constant achievement - don't settle what you did last week. Keep fresh, keep pleasing GOD.  Oh... Learn to fly, get out of your "comfort zone" and GOD says "FLY" and reach your divine destiny! That message really hits me. Think and Act like a champion - a child of GOD.  What you fear will destroy you is another great point.  I decided to buy the CD's for myself!

There's not a day that I don't think about my "flying" issue and ask myself "Is this the day you're going to fly"  or "Is this the day, you will overcome your fears and quit being a coward"? It's a viscous circle that I don't want to let continue - and why I am trying to face the fear head on. As the Bible clearly states, you should NOT FEAR, rather only FEAR GOD, he's got your life in the palm of his hands and he's got the plan already destined for you. A message to me, "Get off the the "Self" horse and let Jesus take the wheel as the song goes!

Speaking of fears, while just searching for something, I came across a great article here. I think it's interesting in the picture how we all feel like we are the "black" people in the picture and if we'd just face our fears, we'd become the red person (who we know deep down) is the person that we want to become and the person GOD had intended us to be. After all, FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real) is just that. It's all in our heads!


Helping others-It's the right thing to do!

I am so thankful to be able to give something back to others. Being the recipient of a "second chance" at life, I am blessed to be able to help others. I feel it's my way of being able to give something back as GOD chose to show favor on me. Today, I received a call from a young man that is presently trying to determine what he should do about his "enlarged" aortic root and the fact that he's got a bicuspid value issue as well. (Def) A bicuspid valve is also known as the mitral valve or semi-lunar valve with only two cusps (instead of three); situated between the left atrium and left ventricle. It ensures the unidirectional flow of blood from the left atrium to the left ventricle.

In writing this "post" I discovered a person's website that is completely devoted to this type of heart valve replacement surgery. His name is Adam Pick.  It appears that he's had a valve replacement surgery as well.   Ok.. back to my topic of "helping others" and my original point of this post. My friend is really feeling like he's living with a "time-bomb" inside his chest and that's the last thing you want to be worrying about. In this day in age, we have numerous highly competent surgeons that do this type of valve replacement surgery. Often times, the valve can be saved and other times, a mechanical type  of valve will be the only option.  The main point that I can provide to this person is "resources" and a listening ear. That's what people need to know is that there's hope for them and that there's been others before them that have had to go through very similar situations. And.. guess what? They made it through and so can you!

I have spoken to hundreds of aortic dissection patients and have been so "overjoyed" to have been able to help them in some shape or form that's what makes my day!

All the best!


Varicose Veins-Going to get the surgery

It's a beautiful day out side as I am writing this blog at 7:43am. I just returned from my 5:30-7:00am doubles, and we had a great match. My partner and I won in a 3rd set tie-breaker. I am playing pretty good right now and hope to continue.

I signed up for the varicose vein procedure (left leg only) for the 25th July at 10:30am. I am a bit nervous, but... I will "JUST DO IT" and get it over with. It's something that needs to be done and I am going to the best guy around.

 A surgeon who's done way more than anyone around this area.  My surgeon is Dr. Charles R Strub  at the Puget Sound Vein Center.  I am having the Venus Closure done with the radio frequency versus the one with the laser.  According to some, the Laser is too hot and leaves quite  a bit of "bruising and swelling" -not to mention being more painful.  My left leg is my worse leg in terms of looks. My greater saphenous vein is pretty much "toast" and doesn't work, so when my calves pump blood up to the heart, the saphenous vein attempts to carry it up, but it comes right back down due to faulty bunch of valves. Luckily, this vein is superficial and not really needed. Unless, you need "bypass" surgery - and in my case, since both of mine are bad, I am just praying I never need that surgery!

The venus closure technique  will be partially used on my left leg and 100% on my right leg. They will need to do an additional treatment called Foam sclerotherapy - the reason is that my saphenous vein in my left leg is kind of tangled up and the device apparently for the venus closure is for a "straight" shot type of treatment. My right leg is completely straight for that procedure.








We are having my parents and brother's family over this Sunday for my daughter's 13th birthday celebration. We are anxious to see everyone and show them our new paint job on the house. 

I am getting really tired of my tennis buddies asking me, "Tinsley, when are you getting a job?" or how's the interviewing going? I simply laugh it off - but I would like to tell them, "I got a job and start on "x" date.... Next question please?  They are great guys, but... it's getting annoying all the time.

I have to hand it to the Word Press Blogging software. I have been a Microsoft Front Page 2003 user for many years. I originally had a blog with Google, but didn't ever like the layout. Plus, with this great theme from Brian Gardner, you can get this theme for free. I have been "blogging" for several years now and really enjoy being able to have this "outlet" as a form of therapy for me. My main goal of this site it to let "aortic dissection" survivors know that life goes on after having a dissection. And, that there is hope and others just like you who have gone through a very similar experience.

Have a great day!


Monday, July 14, 2008

A job possibility... Keeping my fingers crossed

I got a call from a one of my old buddies that I had worked with for many years at MCI and Verizonbusiness about a possible job opportunity. It sounds like it might be the one. I got a few more "rejections" notices today, however, the more of those I get, that just means the "yes" is getting closer.

My job with a medical company in Bothell, Wa didn't pan out either. It was an entry level position and I was over qualified. I am also running into this with another company and their minimal salary requirements.  Oh well, I am determined and WILL NOT give up. For example, I spent probably 2 hours today trying to get my SiteMap to work correctly. I was ready to throw in the towel, but gave it one more try and ... it worked! That's the attitude that you have to have in just about everything in life. As the famous quote goes, "If you want to succeed, you MUST double your failure rate" and it's so true!

I spent a good two hours studying the PMP stuff today. My topic for the day was the "time management" section. Wow.. some of this stuff is really dry and boring. I would still like to see this all the way through to the end and get my PMP certification.

It's Tuesday morning (5:30am) doubles in the morning and I am also hoping to hear from my friend about the job tomorrow. I also got another tip on a job for Vodafone.  I hope to hear from them as well.

Good Night!


Monday Morning... It's a beautiful day!

I discovered that there were a few more of my favorite "Olivia" drawings that I had forgot to show. This was a great Christmas one that she'd done.

It's back to reality and time to start the day searching for more job opportunities. I have an interview today at 2:00pm with a consulting firm and hope that it goes well.  I also emailed a couple of my contacts over at T-Mobile and F5 Networks again about possibilities.  My unemployment is at the "half way" point and that $515.00 per week is going to be running out soon - not to mention my severance is wind ling down as well.  I started working right out of college and never in a million years would have thought I would a) be laid off and b) have to rely on using the unemployeement system. 

I still have not heard back from the Verathon corporation about their posting for an "inside sales" rep and I even found out who their sales manager was and emailed him letting him know how excited I was about coming to work for them.  I also emailed and left 3 voicemails for the recruiter w/o any response. I feel like contacting the CEO and letting them know if they've got someone who's excited about their compnay - they better make sure they follow up. I could have been their best sales person ever and they'd never get the chance to see it come to fruition as they never contacted me.

This picture titled "what not to wear" was pretty good as well. My daughter is so creative.  I feel pretty sad that I can't really take the family on a summer vacation due to my not working status. Sure, I could blow more of my severance and do it, but I want to start working again and save some of the money for a "rain day" and that way, we'd have money for a vacation next year or for Christmas break.

My Starbucks craving is calling my name and it's time to head to the store. I think when I get back, I will contact Verathon directly again and try to figure out what is going on with them.

Have a great day!


Sunday, July 13, 2008

Olivia's Day in Seattle-Happy 13th Birthday!

We spent part of the afternoon today visiting the Pike Place Market. You see all type of people there, including the "famous" fish tossing stand. We went down to the water front as well to see the Old Curiosity Shop. Then, I took my son and friend and went to Game Works while the gals shopped. We topped off the evening with dinner at the Cheesecake Factory.

 My site was voting by as Blog of the day and I thought that was pretty cool to have been selected. I hope others enjoy reading my blog and it helps people.

My daughter's is 13, I can not believe it. Today's she is now officially a "teenager" and I she's so beautiful. I loved holding her hand today walking in down town Seattle. It was a great day and I am so proud to be her father.  Olivia is such a special young lady with so much talent and tenacity. She's her student body president and a honor roll student.  Olivia's such a blessing to me and I am so proud of her. I thank GOD for allowing her to come into my life - I cherish her so much.  My life would not be complete with out her or my son Owen. My wife and I are so blessed with two healthy children.

I started out today playing some really good singles tennis and decided to not change raquets - rather get a few replacement ones. I found one on Ebay and am in the middle of working out a deal on it. I have 5 rackets now, of which 3 are ready to be handed down to the neighborhood kids to use.  I also got Tennis Warehouse to send me out some new replacement strings. I was surprised about that, but they will continue to get my business because of their great service.

If you are in need of wanting to chat with another aortic dissection survivor, please be sure to let me know by emailing me or going to my FORUM to see/chat with other folks who have experienced a dissection themselves.

I hope this week finally reveals my new job career path and I can get back on track with having a full time job again. I would love to have this happen this week. I have quite a few "irons" in the fire right now and feeling pretty good that it's going to lead to an official job offer. I am still (slowly but surely) working on my studying for the pmp exam. I am hoping to take the test in the fall.

Take Care,
