Friday, May 2, 2008

5/2/2008-My official last day with VerizonBusiness

Ok.. It's finally here, after almost 20 years, actually just 8 days short, I am officially toast! No longer am I an employee of VerizonBusiness as of 5:00pm today.  5/16 I get my severance package and hopefully, I start with Comcast on the 23rd of May or there about.

I am going to file for UE today as Lord knows I have been paying into it for the last almost 20 years!

I mailed off my drug test forms and applications that Comcast requested and they should be getting it early next week-it was sent via UPS back to them. I also spoke with my boss and we do in fact get reimbursed for the mileage. I paid my tabs yesterday, $364.99 bucks for the Camry that I have now.

This gas crisis is really something else! It's darn near $4.00 and who knows, at this rate if it won't get to $5.00!

I got an email from a member of my Aortic Dissection mailing list. I think it's perfect for me! be compassionate when a businessman expresses a fear of flying.

This is really true! I am very close to licking this flying thing. I tried the virtual reality therapy and it was "OK" but didn't really get much out of the therapist. It's GOD and my faith that will see me through this and it's God's power that will prevail. 

I saw a sign yesterday, it said: "Courage is taking that extra step forward when "fear" says to stay put. That is such a true statement!

I am getting a new fuel filter put on my car today. I had called the dealership and they wanted $140.00 bucks! I called my mechanic friend and he said $60.00. So, I am going with him.

Have a great Friday!


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