Friday, May 30, 2008



I see the news that the actor Harvey Korman died of an abdominal aortic aneurysm. I guess it was amazing that he survived for the 4 months after it. I remember my folks used to watch the CBS show and he and Tim Conway were so funny! He will be missed!

I am still working towards either the Philips/ATT Wireless or WTT positions. I am going to have a phone interview with Nintendo today about a "contract routing specialist" position, however, I would prefer a full time job. I am trying to figure out some way to get on at Philips as an entry level position, however, I am feeling that the pay is going to be too low for me to be able to do it-I hope not.

The recruiter is sending my information in to WTT and I actually have a meeting with John on Monday about the other WTT possibility.

I have my varicose vein appointment with Dr. R. Torrance Andrews today and playing tennis at 2pm w/Joe today. I also need to go to the DMV and get the form for the release of interest for my old CR-V I sold.

It's my son's best of elementary this evening, so that will be fun! Oh.. my daughter who is almost 13 got her bike last night (The Pink Betty) and she loves it!

Have a great day!
Brian S. Tinsley

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Tuesday Morning

Just got back from some Tuesday 5:30-7:00am doubles. I don't really know if I like playing doubles, I much prefer singles by a mile!

I just got this article that is very important to read. It's called 7 pains to take seriously.

I am going to be meeting with the Philips Sales Director today at noon and I am hoping to hear from the WWT person as well as an update on the ATT wireless position. Between these 3, something is going to come up soon!

I might go look at at boat this evening as well. We have always wanted a boat for the family and I think I might have found one.

Have a great day!


Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day-A day to be VERY thankful for!

As I look at the window around my neighborhood I can see numerous flags flying proud. It's a sign/tribute to those who have gone before us to serve our country-and those that are actively serving today to give us our freedom that we take for granted.

I rented this movie last night not knowing what it was about, other than it had one of my favorite actors, John Cusack in it. It's called, "Grace is Gone" and is a great movie. It's a story that fits perfectly with Memorial Day in that the message in the movie is "so real life" about what happens in war. I won't spoil it, but it sure did send a reminder to me and my family after watching it.

Dear God,

I pray for all the soldiers that have gone to battle for my freedom on behalf of our country in order to protect us and give us our Liberty. I thank all the families that have had to sacrifice their loved ones and the burden it puts on the families when a love one is off at war for our own security. I pray LORD JESUS that some how, some way we could find peace in this world. I know the ONLY peace that will come will be when you return to this earth as you are the PRINCE OF PEACE. Until then LORD, I pray that you would protect those soldiers who are fighting for the cause that brings the GLORY to you.

I think today is a day to remember just how lucky we are and how we are blessed. Even with the high gas prices, we have our FREEDOM and we live in a land that there's still some belief in GOD and what it boils down to is our FREEDOM is not free! There's a price that has been paid and is being paid today by so many brave individuals and families.

Happy Memorial Day!


Saturday, May 24, 2008

Saturday morning-overcast and I am a bit foggy!

I had 2 glasses of wine at dinner last night, 14 Hands Merlot to be exact. I think that was too much for me! I am trying to wake up as I have to play doubles at 0700am today.

It appears that adding the "key" to my WP blog to stop the spam comments worked!

Today we are heading down to see my brother and his family at their new home and my folks are coming over from Bremerton to join us for a bbq/b-day celebration.

The living room is a diaster as there's boxes all over from the ROCK BAND set up. My family just loves it!

I am sure hoping and really feel that either something with Philips Medical or WWT is going to come about in the very near future. Or the ATT wireless position.

I managed to get in the NTRP 4.5 division of the Seattle City Tennis Tourney. I actually won the tournament last year in the same division. I WILL repeat as the winner! I feel it!

Have a great day!


Friday, May 23, 2008

No more spammers!

I installed  the spam software to get rid of these folks.  I got a hold of John Evans today after this morning receiving a call from a recruiter about positions in Seattle with WWT. It turns out that I know of them well as when I worked the Microsoft account for Worldcom, I was responsible for the Cisco Ship Direct program. So, I contacted John via a friend a MS and got his information. He and I are going to chat about the possibility of me working for him on the MS team. That would be great! I would love it and am praying that this is the place where GOD wants me to land. I am also meeting next week with the regional sales manager at Philips Medical.

I bought my son and daughter the Xbox 360 and Rock Bank tonight! Wow.. they really love it and my wife likes to sing along. I am sure also hoping that my wife's principal's husband has a successful surgery at the UW Medicine facility. I contacted the surgeon to introduce myself and also sent his information to my contacts at Stanford.

Thanks also to Dr. Stewart for helping me with another patient in Canada. It turns out the the surgeon that I had contacted a while back is the surgeon that Dr. Stewart also recommends. So, I let my Canadian friend in need of surgery know to track him down.

I am hitting the sack!


Job search still continues.. onward and upward.. something WILL come about soon!


I applied yesterday at Nintendo, Real Networks, Nuance, and even Saftey-Kleen. I've applied to F5 Networks, Premera (numerous times), T-Mobile, (Many times), Philips Medical (at least 4), Walgreens, and a many others. Out of all the applications, I actually got the job at Comcast, however, their last minute change in traveling, made me not take it. I have had one interview with T-Mobile about a position that was more of sitting at a desk and doing technical drawings.

I am scheduled to meet with the Regional Sales manager at Philips Medical on the 27th. I also spoke to his recruiter yesterday and she said she would be on the look out for me as well. I think that there's a pretty good chance (75%) that I could get hired on at ATT wireless thanks to my friend who I used to work with at MCI who is over there. I also have a friend at Time Warner Telecom that is the "head guy" for the PNW area, I should email him today as well.

I am playing tennis with Joe today, who beat me 3 straight sets last week and I lost 2 straight sets to George yesterday. I have "zero" confidence in my game for some reason and the game of tennis is ALL about confidence. I am going to got back to the NRG2 16 gauge strings and stick with them. I think they are better for an oversize racket versus their 17 gauge is for the midsize racket. I like the power of that string in the 16 gauge.

Take Care!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Another day, another step towards finding a job-hopefully with Philips Medical

Well, it's been almost a month and no job as of yet. I am seriously most interested in Philips Medical Device sales. I am hoping that I can get on with them. I have contacted their recruiters as well as some of their sales managers. I've even tried to write their CEO an email about how badly I want to work for them.

I am hoping to find a job there with in the next 30 days. That's my prayer!

I am playing tennis with George in the morning at 5:15am.

My wordpress blog appears to be getting bombarded by Spam comments, it's amazing that some of these idiots have nothting better to do! Get a life!

I got the emission test done on the Expedition today and the new tabs. Tomorrow is going to be a great day and I am feeling that something positive is going to happen to get me closer to landing a job at Philips.

Strung my racket today, going back to my original combination (Hybrid) with the SPPP in the mains and the Gosen 16 in the crosses. No more messenging around with strings. I played Dr. Steve today and he got me 7-5 and it was 6-6 in the 2nd.

I also left the manager a voicemail at ATT wireless about when he thought he could hire me. He thought there was a 75% chance of something soon, just not sure when.

Raining here in Seattle-Early morning

It's just after 0600am and it's raining out side. Thank GOD for indoor tennis! I am playing one of my friends on our USTA team this morning from 7-8:30am. Dr. Steve!

I had written who I was told was the Sales Manager for Philips over the U of W Key Account Manager position and haven't heard from him. I am also going to be chatting with the recruiter tomorrow. I applied for several other jobs (account manager types) yesterday. Walgreens, AstraZeneca, MRINetworkand Premera (again).

We bought my daughter a new bike last night-a retro pink cruiser for her 13th birthday-early present. Her b-day is July 13th.

I am going to let my wife take my car as the Expedition needs new tabs and I am going to drop off the kids old bikes to a donation place so someone else who can afford a bike can get them.

I am still waiting to get my blood test results back for my cholesterol and PSA test as well as I am going to be meeting with my cardiologist next week to go over my Echo results.

Going to my brother's house this weekend-Saturday-for a BBQ with the families as my parents are going to be leaving the country traveling.

Have a great day!


Sunday, May 18, 2008

Full Moon out my den window, watching clouds pass-can't sleep

It's now 2:39am and I decided to get up since I could not sleep. Back and forth, from one side to the other, I tried to get comfortable to sleep. I have a lot on my mind... Like will God give me the opportunity to get that "Key Account" manager job at Philips to support the U of W. I sure hope so. I was also thinking about Gideon and how he was used by God in the Bible.

As I look out my window now, it's pitch black, the moon is completely covered. It was really cool seeing the clouds, they looked almost light grey in the background as the full moon shined so brightly. You really have to admire God's creation, like the moon for it's pure beauty. And, the fact that we've sent people to the moon, it's quite an accomplishment. I consider that one of the greatest things that we've done as  a country.

Also, as the wind slowly blows the clouds, like Peter in the Bible, you don't know where it's coming from, but you might not know the direction, but we all know the source. The GOOD LORD.

This entire "self" battle versus "seeing through the eyes of faith" is a continuous battle that every Christian struggles through in my opinion.  It's an amazing "mind set" when you change your view of the world and know that when you view the world through the eyes of faith, it's GOD's plan for you to let him be the navigator of your life, your the captain, but.... he's got the MAP! The BIBLE!

I am hoping, even though, I will be tired that today is a great day for me as I move one step closer to my goal of finding a job in the medical sales field. Specifically, the job at Philips that I am praying GOD will grant me. I am hoping and praying it comes to pass.

I just received an email yesterday from a concerned dad who's daughter just gave birth to his grandchild, but now has developed a Type B dissection and is w/o any insurance and is seeking advice as to what to do. I have contacted Dr. David Liang and Dr. Allen Stewart, two distinguished experts in the Aortic Dissection field and we're going to try and provide some help. My main concern is that his daughter MUST get the tests (CT's) to ensure the aorta does grow too fast. And, the most important thing, how will she pay for these (CT's) without any insurance? Do not go, that could be too risky for her and her daughter-not to mention the concerned father.  I hope that we can find some relief around the "insurance hurdle" so she can be monitored properly.


An incredible and beautiful weekend!

Well.. It would have been really great had I won my tennis tournament. The guy that I lost to won it. It turns out that we had known of each other 10 years ago and I actually bought my first stringer from him. It was my first outdoor match and man.... the sun was right in my eyes on one side and it had to have been 100+ on the court as it was 90 degrees that day.

There's a chance that I am hoping and praying and (please pray for me to land the "key account manager " position at Philips Medical Systems) as I am unemployed at this time and DO NOT LIKE IT ONE BIT! I feel terrible that I am without a job and although Satan would like to make me feel even worse, I am going to and will rise above the "down and out" guy, but rather using this time to PRAISE THE LORD for all that he's done for me. The message today was about Gideon and how he was called by GOD to be a mighty warrier.  And.. not to fear that GOD WOULD BE WITH HIM. Gideon was a bit like the "doubting Thomas" figure in the bible in that he constantly needed proof by GOD that he was going to do what he said he would do. I hadn't really knew all the details and this message today from Judges. Here's a great overview:

What really struck me is that the amount of men, if I believe around 300 that would tackle the 135,000 army and prevail over them with GOD's Help. God NEVER lies and the words of the bible, every one of them are TRUE. I am personally realizing more and more that FAITH, (believing in thy heart and confessing with thy tongue) that what ever you ask, be it for GOD's Glory, that it will happen. You just need to believe it's already happened and act (Faith) on it. I am believing by faith that I was recently healed of my fear of flying and that SATAN's hold of that fear has been terminated by GOD once and forall.

I am praying that the Philips job really happen and by FAITH, I AM BELIEVING that GOD WILL MAKE IT COME TRUE.

Good night!

Friday, May 16, 2008

The "Brick" read this-It's a great message a member sent me.

The Brick!!!Read It.

Read this today and don’t delete it if you are too busy!! You’ll see why.

A young and successful executive was traveling down a neighborhood street, going a bit too fast in his new Jaguar. He was watching for kids darting out from between parked cars and slowed down 


That’s a new car and that brick you threw is going to cost a lot of money. Why did you do it?’ The young boy was apologetic. ‘Please, mister…please, I’m sorry but I didn’t know what else to do,’ He pleaded. ‘I threw the brick because no one else would stop…’ With tears dripping down his face and off his chin, the youth pointed to a spot just around a parked car. ‘It’s my brother, ‘he said. ‘He rolled off the curb and fell out of his wheelchair and I can’t lift him up.’
Now sobbing, the boy asked the stunned executive, ‘Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair? He’s hurt and he’s too heavy for me.


then jumped out of the car, grabbed the nearest kid and pushed him up against a parked car shouting, ‘What was that all about and who are you? Just what the heck are you doing?

Moved beyond words, the driver tried to swallow the rapidly swelling lump in his throat. He hurriedly lifted the handicapped boy back into the wheelchair, then took out a linen handkerchief and dabbed at the fresh scrapes and cuts. A quick look told him everything was going to be okay. ‘Thank you and may God bless you,’ the grateful child told the stranger. Too shook up for words, the man simply watched the boy! push his wheelchair-bound brother down the sidewalk toward their home.


It was a long, slow walk back to the Jaguar. The damage was very noticeable, but the driver never bothered to repair the dented side door. He kept the dent there to remind him of this message: ‘Don’t go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your attention!’ God whispers in our souls and speaks to our hearts. Sometimes when we don’t have time to listen, He has to throw a brick at us. It’s our choice to listen or not.

Thought for the Day:
If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it.
If He had a wallet, your photo would be in it.

He sends you flowers every spring.
He sends you a sunrise every morning Face it, friend - He is crazy about you!
Send this to every ‘beautiful person’ you wish to bless.
God didn’t promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way.
Read this line very slowly and let it sink in…
If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.


Thursday, May 15, 2008

Getting hotter here in Seattle/Everett area

I just mowed the front and back yard and worked up a bit of a sweat! It's getting hotter here and we could break some records tomorrow and Saturday. I am playing in the Singles 4.5 this weekend and I am the number 1 seed. I hope to win this one.. Rather, I WILL win it!

I am still on the job hunt and feel that something could break at ATT wireless or Philips Medical. I am really hoping at either of these two locations. My passion would be to give back to the medical field and try to help others.

It's my son's birthday party tonight at 321 bounce. I had to run to Costco to the the cup cakes that are huge! We also got ice-cream and pizza.. It will be fun and fattening!

At 45 years of age, it's an interesting age as it's basically half way through your life and a chance to reflect back on things in the past and what you can do about the future. What I do know is that I CAN NOT live my life without my faith in GOD. I believe in my heart of hearts, you can not be happy or have any purpose in life with out a Father in your life. I mean a spiritual father GOD who through his son JESUS is living inside of you and is your connection to GOD and the HOLY SPIRIT.  As I get older, I realize more and more, it's just not worth living life with the "Self" in charge-it's all empty and short term highs and lows, not an ounce of peace without Jesus. You MUST see the world through the eyes of faith and see the world as if Jesus lives inside of you and look at things as he would, thinking of others first and not the "self" who loves to get all the attention.

I hope you have a great day!


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Still looking for that perfect job.. Onward and upward!

I officially declined the Comcast offer today. The travel requirements were just too much for me at this stage in my life. Not to mention that I am working on getting over my flying issue. It's OK and everything will work out as GOD's in control of my life and he's got a specific plan for me.

I believe in my heart of hearts, it could be in the medical field profession. Especially with my connections to different doctors and my own person use of their Echo's and CT scans. I actually just had my 6 month Resting Echo done yesterday by the sonographer who just loves the Philips machines.

I contacted the regional sales manager for Philips and applied as well with the recruiter about possibly coming on board. I also heard from my friend Mark who's over at ATT wireless and he sent me an email to contact the head guy who I left a message for.

I also have a possible in at Intermec, so I am waiting to see what comes along that I can really sink my teeth into and do a good job for. I want to work!

Have a great day!


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Change of heart with new job at Comcast

I decided to pass on the job as the National Account Manager for Comcast. I was originally led to believe that there would be no traveling except in the PNW region. I got a call yesterday with a different story and after further review, this isn't a job that I would be ultimately happy with. So, I think the best thing to do was pass and let my future boss know that it's just not the position for me.

I have already started the ball rolling in other jobs at Intermec, Microsoft, T-Mobile, Expedite, Integra-Telecom and ATT Wireless.  I just emailed my buddy at ATT wireless. I applied also at Clearwire and Sonsite as well.

Back to searching!


Monday, May 12, 2008

More great information on AD at New England Journal of Medicine

I am trying to get a copy of the False Lumen recent study as well as the diagrams that they say are available. I have written to them today. is the article on the Type B with partial thrombosis mentioned.


A couple of really good articles/updates on Aortic Dissections

New hope for aortic dissection survivors
Jul 26, 2007 ... Each year, 10000 Americans suffer a sudden tear in the lining of their body's largest blood vessel, the aorta.

And this one on the overall  definition with pictures:

I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's day! I know that I did! It's a beautiful Monday here and I am so thankful for this day. GOD's Miracles are around us everywhere! I am so blessed!


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

My daughter was student of the month!

I went to see my daughter receive her award for "determination" and it's true-she's very determined to do things well. She's an A student and a super student council 3 time repeat winner!

I played tennis today with Steve and we split this time. I was down 5-2 in the second, came back to get to 5-5 and up 40 love and he went on a rampage! Needless to say, he won the set.  He and I are going to play doubles this weekend and ARE going to win!

I got official notice that my first day with Comcast is the 27th of May! So, that's great news! God does do miracles and answers prayers! My parents and friends, along with myself were praying that I would get a job soon!

I got my car fixed today at Rodland Toyota. My friend had tried to fix it and ended up stripping the threads out when he tried to put on a Napa filter. $150.00 later, I got it working finally. Now, I am just hoping the smell of gas goes away soon! Speaking of car issues, my wife was in a panic this morning as the Expedition somehow was stuck in 4 wheel drive mode. I rushed home, put in neutral and heard it slip back into the "normal" two wheel drive condition.

The 16th is my severance day pay date and I just found out that I will get UE for the week ending the 9th, 16th and 23rd.

Tonight is my daughter's youth group and we'll have to figure something out for an early dinner.

Take Care,

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Tuesday, just had a bowl of wheaties w/strawberries

Just got back from playing some 5:30am doubles.. Man.. I was tired from that bike ride 1 and a half hours riding yesterday, then I came home and mowed the lawn. It all caught up with me this am!

I need to get my UE straightened out and tried to apply for this week, but got some error message that I need to call them. Technically, I should get it for the week of the 9th, 16th and 23rd.  I will call them at 0800am today.

Need to fertilize the lawn today and am taking my car into the shop tomorrow to the fuel filter replaced correctly this time. The car drives really nice and it's got a v-6 in it, but believe it or not, it's pretty decent on gas.

I signed up for the NTRP 4.5 Singles tournament at our club for the 16-18th weekend. I hope to win it!

You idiots that are spamming my site, I hope you all get a life and find something better to do, like read the bible and get saved instead of polluting this word with spam.



Monday, May 5, 2008

Monday morning-Nice sunny day here in Everett Wa.

Wow... We managed to pull off a victory in our USTA match last evening against the Seattle Tennis club. The match came down to our #1 Singles versus their #1 Singles. We pulled in out in the super tie breaker in the 3rd.

I didn't play well in my USTA 45 singles finals and lost 6-2, 6-3. I had split sets with the guy last time and could have played much better and beat him. I will get him next time for sure.

I got a call from my old boss at Verizon last Friday, he'd left me a voice mail and it was nice to hear what he had to say. I spoke with him on Saturday am and we are going to do lunch with some of the folks possibly this week.

I think I will go to the track today and/or go for a long walk or perhaps a bike ride. It's such a nice day out. I actually think a bike ride would be fun!

Need to get the emission test on the Expedition as the tabs are due. I also filed for UE last week and I am hoping to get a few payments, at least 1 for all the money that I contributed into that fund.

Ok.. Gotta run!


Saturday, May 3, 2008

Tired and ready for bed!

It's only 8:26pm and I am ready to hit the hay! I had a 2 hour tennis match this morning in the Semi finals that I won 6-3, 7-6. I play in the finals tomorrow at 9:30am.

It was my son's last lacrosse game today and my parents came over to watch it. They really enjoyed it. My son's got a friend over for a while as my wife is out with the kids mother for a "girls night" out for a while. My daughter is doing the elliptical and I am fighting to stay awake!

Got word that I will be working out of the Lynnwood Comcast office where my friend is the VP of sales for Comcast.

I ate too much at the BBQ party we had after the Lacrosse match... Urgh!

Just got a call that we might have another player we can pick up tomorrow for our USTA match at 4:45pm. Otherwise, we'd have to default a doubles match.

I just got an email from a gal who just had her surgery at Stanford from Dr. Reitz and Dr. Timic and it sounds like it went great for her. I am so thankful to hear that!

Gotta run!


Friday, May 2, 2008

My last day with VerizonBusiness is over... No more! Done!

Well, today was my last day at VerizonBusiness. I am officially laid off now and waiting to start my new job at Comcast hopefully by the end of the month. I am due to get my serverance package on the 16th.

I took my son to the mall today and bought him his first Swiss Army Knife. He loves it and he decided to try it out on one of the crickets for the lepard gecko's! Yuk!
Oh well, he's just a kid!

I have my first round of the tennis tournament this weekend tomorrow (Saturday) as I had a first round bye due to my being the number one seed. I am beat as I played this afternoon with a new guy from the clug named Joe. He's a good player. I was up on him 4-1 and lost the set 7-5 after beating him the first one 6-4.

Tomorrow is Owen's last Lacrosse game and then a BBQ after the game at the head coaches house.

My wife is with my daughter at a friends house. My parents are coming to the game tomorrow to watch Owen.

I took my car down to get the fuel filter replaced today and that didn't go so well. The mechanic had trouble getting to it to begin with and then he didn't have the factory Toyota one like I requested. He then ordered a Nappa one, but it didn't fit, so I told him to blow out the old one and put it back on. So, he did that and didn't charge me... which I was amazed!

Gotta go! Zoey 101 is on and my son wants to watch the Chasing Zoey movie!

5/2/2008-My official last day with VerizonBusiness

Ok.. It's finally here, after almost 20 years, actually just 8 days short, I am officially toast! No longer am I an employee of VerizonBusiness as of 5:00pm today.  5/16 I get my severance package and hopefully, I start with Comcast on the 23rd of May or there about.

I am going to file for UE today as Lord knows I have been paying into it for the last almost 20 years!

I mailed off my drug test forms and applications that Comcast requested and they should be getting it early next week-it was sent via UPS back to them. I also spoke with my boss and we do in fact get reimbursed for the mileage. I paid my tabs yesterday, $364.99 bucks for the Camry that I have now.

This gas crisis is really something else! It's darn near $4.00 and who knows, at this rate if it won't get to $5.00!

I got an email from a member of my Aortic Dissection mailing list. I think it's perfect for me! be compassionate when a businessman expresses a fear of flying.

This is really true! I am very close to licking this flying thing. I tried the virtual reality therapy and it was "OK" but didn't really get much out of the therapist. It's GOD and my faith that will see me through this and it's God's power that will prevail. 

I saw a sign yesterday, it said: "Courage is taking that extra step forward when "fear" says to stay put. That is such a true statement!

I am getting a new fuel filter put on my car today. I had called the dealership and they wanted $140.00 bucks! I called my mechanic friend and he said $60.00. So, I am going with him.

Have a great Friday!


Thursday, May 1, 2008

I got my offer letter from Comcast yesterday

I got the "official" offer letter for the job at Comcast. I am going to take my drug test today and then send it back to Comcast. I am most likely going to start around the end of May.

My daughter on student council again and she was so happy to win again for the 3rd straight year.

Our last lacrosse game is this Saturday and then the BBQ. I have my first round of the Harbour Square-Western Washington Invitational this Saturday. I am the number one seed. I played with George this morning, I got him 6-3 and he got me 7-6.

I am playing well again! Lot's of confidence in my game!

I need to fix my light fixture that turns on my outside lights in front of the house. I apparently broke it when I was taking out my son's mattress!

I am getting my fuel filter replaced in my Camry tomorrow.

Gotta run!
