Sunday, May 17, 2009

Trying to get Life Insurance with an Aortic Dissection condition

Wow... I thought I had my life insurance all taken care of. I still have my two previous policies with MCI ($70K) and my Verizon at ($80K). However, my new job only offers $20K coverage. Prior to getting this $20K additional coverage and when I was out of work laid off from Verizon, I met up with a Met Life Insurance rep. I took the tests, and was supposed to be able to get the $100K or $250K policy options. However, I neglected not to go with it as I got the job with Global Crossing and they had a $50K policy. However, when I started at this new company and all they had was $20K, I went back to my MetLife Agent and asked him to see if I could use the previous one I had been approved for. Fast forward and it turns out that I had to re-apply. Great! So, I had the nurse come out again and take the blood tests and BINGO!  I get the letter that not only had I not been eligible for the first policy, that they had made a mistake and that I am "declined" coverage due to my Aortic Dissection condition. So... there you have it! I am being discriminated against because of my pre-existing condition and now, if I do find coverage, I am going to probably have to pay out the ear for it.  I am waiting to get my test results to see what it is exactly that I am being declined for. However, I haven't heard yet. I really feel terrible that I am not able to provide more coverage for my family. I am also going to post this to my forum and find out what other people have run into when trying to apply for Life Insurance.  UPDATE: I signed up for AFLAC, a 150K policy and I am waiting to see if I get approved, it's through my work and I am hoping that I get approved. !

My tennis game is doing well, I am enjoying playing lots and our USTA team is about in the middle of the pack for the league.

Gotta run.. My daughter needs help with her iPod! :)



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